Open working environment
At ZME, the company’s goals are not the sole matter at leader levels but are discussed with the spirit of openness to new innovative ideas concepts and perspectives. Moreover, the openness and clarity at work enable the employees to always have positive mind-set, ease the pressure, on account of which their best capacity and creativity, effectiveness in working can be promoted at the highest.
“Nothing is impossible” culture
We are always determined for the best approach for most effective work. The human of ZME is not to be easily defeated by any difficulties and challenges to confront because “nothing is impossible” with us.
“For the employee happiness” mission
With constant concern over “For the employee happiness” mission, we focus on the solidarity, uphold and value the role of every employee in ZME, where they not only approach the opportunity to develop themselves in a long-term journey but also bond together to build a robust team. The achievements of the Company, as a result, are also the interests and pride of ZME human.